La Casita Colectiva

Emiliano, miembro : “Yo, particularmente, vengo de la facultad de artes […] y empecé a participar en la Casita porque cuando se creó la Casita era un centro cultural. Eran diferentes organizaciones o grupos […] que necesitaban un espacio para trabajar.” / Emiliano, member: “I studied at the arts faculty […] and I started participating in the Casita because when the Casita was created it was a cultural center. There were different organisations or groups […] that needed a space to work.”

Emiliano : “El Almacén se creó el año que se creó la Casita. […] El Almacén surgió a partir de la red de Comercio Justo […] y la UCT, Unión de Campesinos sin Tierra, de acá.” / Emiliano: “The Almacén (warehouse) was created the same year as the Casita. […] The Almacén emerged from the Fair Trade network […] and the UCT, Union of Landless Peasants from here.”

Cachi : “Con Emiliano somos los que mas trabajamos acá, porque somos los que de alguna forma dependemos de esto, del ingreso de la cooperativa. Y después tenemos otros compañeros que no, que lo usan como complemento […]” / Cachi: “With Emiliano, we are the ones who work the most here, because we are in some way the ones who depend on this, on the income of the cooperative. And then we have other colleagues who don’t, who use it as a complement […]”

Cachi : “[…] también formamos una coordinadora a partir de cooperativas auto gestionadas, acá en Mendoza, […] en las cuales somos mas de 100 personas [que] nos juntamos para disputar recursos [del govierno].” / Cachi: “[…] we also are part of a coordination group with Mendoza-based self-managed cooperatives, […] representing +100 people, in order to get subsidies [from the government].”